Thursday, July 22, 2010

What is a Tithe?

What is a Tithe?

The term tithe that is found in Scripture (maser / asar, in the Hebrew and dekate / dekavth, in theGreek), translates into the tenth;thus, the notion that one should give ten percent of one's monies to the church comes from the meaning of these words. The Scriptures tell us that God does not want us to do whatever we want or what seems fit. Obviously,that was not working then, just as it does not work today. So, He laid out principles for the running of the new country Israel that would provide care for the priests and those in charge. We,of course, do not live in a theocracy today, unless you live in Iran. The tithe may have been for a different purpose in the Old Testament than for the church today, but we do get key principles from these passages that translate into how best to provide for the church today, and how we can exercise good Biblical stewardship.

Here are some key verses for your consideration:
Leviticus 27:30; 27:31-32; Numbers18: 21-26; Deuteronomy 12:6-17; 14:23-28; 26:12

Love you guys,
Chuck Lewis

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I have heard so many say, that tithing is old testament law that we are not bound to... but Abraham tithed long before the law was ever given, Gen 14:17-20... (I learned that in Financial Peace University, and it has really made me reconsider the "old testament law" attitude I once held)... thought that could be useful to others as well.
Miss you guys.