Friday, February 5, 2010

where in the World is Chuck? part 4


We all know that everyone runs in a few circles of friends and acquaintances. One of the circles that I run (ran) in was church planting Pastors. The other circle I ran in was the people in my church. The church planter guys were mostly all liers and my church family was mostly all authentic.

The church planters guys would gloat about how great their church was. About how fast their church was growing. About how God was sending the right people at the right time

My church family...they were all struggling with something. Their struggles were porn addictions, alcohol, drugs, alternative lifestyles, massive debt, raising children....and the list goes on!

When I would try and match those two groups up the only logical answer I could find was failure. Then, I realized something. Actually, I realized a lot! One of the things that I realized was that the people in my church was just like the people in the other churches. I realized once again in my journey that people are people and they will always act like people because, you guessed it...they are people.

Hey Anchor peeps...If you are reading this it probably means that you are not one of the people I mentioned...yes, you are the perfect one!

Oh yes....Has any noticed that it all started with burden from God and a passion for Him. And that I have not mentioned that lately.

We will talk more about that in upcoming blogs!

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