Monday, February 8, 2010

Where in the World is Chuck? Part 5

God....where are you?

During the first year of our little church plant we witnessed an amazing amount of people confess Jesus as their Savior, their Lord. In the second year of our church we witnessed an amazing amount of people drop away from their journey with Christ at an amazing rate!

There were many days that I would cry out to God. (I guess saying the words "cry out" make me sound like David) I yelled at God and asked "God, where in the heck are you in all of this?" How in the world would God let so many people come to know Him, yet let them fall away?

I felt like my fellow church planting "Friends" (and I use that term very loosely) were looking at me like I am some failure because I am not lying about my church doing as well as theirs. But, in all seriousness, I really did feel like a failure...not to those guys, but to God. He has entrusted me with so much and let Him down. Week after week I would see young Christian families fall from our church. Week after week I would walk away feeling like such a failure.

My dad always raised me to be tough, fight it out, stick in their till the end. So, every week I would dig deeper and fight harder. Only to figure out that the volunteers, the servants of our church I was pushing away because I was fighting so hard. (to those of you this has happened to...I really do love you and I really do apologize!)

Every week, Every week I would yell at God...What are you doing, where are you, why is this happening?

Check in with me tomorrow and I'll give you some of those answers!

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