Monday, February 15, 2010

Where in the World is Chuck? Part 7


As I write this blog I have been out of the office for two weeks and have not taught at the Anchor for two Sundays. Where I love the Anchor and love teaching, it has been very refreshing to get away for bit. The first week was spent completing some needed tasks before leaving, hanging with family and packing my bags for Puerto Rico. The end of the 1st week and most of the 2nd week was in Puerto Rico. There I spent much of my time with Pastors and missionaries. The other part of my time there was just relaxing, spending time with Jesus and beginning a much needed renewal process. I returned on Wednesday on a flight that only God could orchestrate. The end of the week My family and I spent time with my parents and some new friends in central Georgia.

Spending time with various missionaries, Pastors and Jesus and His Word I have learned some very profound things. Namely, I have learned that ministry is exhausting. I know, when we do it all in the name of Jesus with right hearts and attitudes He will renew us and we can continue. Here is the other thing I have learned... We never stay spiritually perfect. We do things out of wrong motives and wrong passion. We are doing the right things, but a bit misguided.

There must be times when we get away with God and let me speak right to our hearts. And that is what I am doing. I will not be blogging every day, or on Facebook or twitter every day. I will be with my Father everyday!

Stay on the look out for new blogs!

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