Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Where in the World is Chuck? Part 6


Do you remember a few days ago I blogged about God giving me a passion, but then we did not see that for a while?

Here is the scary reason as to why...I was praying, I was doing all the things a Pastor should. Naturally I could have done better and could still do better today. But I was doing THINGS right. My passion had become my driving force. Not God! I was going through the motions everyday, giving God His pleasantries. However, my relationship with Him was falling apart.

Hey...stop right there. Do not judge me. If I guess right your thought was, "This is my Pastor...How can this be?" This can be...because I am a human just like everyone else.

My wife and I began to argue. Something that we have never done. I was short and impatient with my kids. Everyone...I mean everyone got on my last nerve!

I know, I am confessing way too much here. But you need to know that my passion to see people come to know Christ was overran by my own passion! I see this happen to people in our church and in my life on a regular basis. They think, as do I at times, that if I have a passion then I should pursue that with everything. AND, If I can add God to that it will be all the better! But here is where HOPE comes in. God does want me, He does want my passion but He wants me to want HIM! No matter how bad I fail at that, even it is the wrong reason, He is still here to catch me, love me and send me back to the battle field!

I have been hearing from God. I am not praying that I need to hear Him. I am praying that I will LISTEN to Him!
What is He saying...Let's talk about that tomorrow!

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