Friday, October 15, 2010

the roots are running....

If you want to see how a grass roots movement is suppose to really work, go look at some grass! I know, that seems too simple. The reality is, though, that no matter if it is centipede grass or crab grass, there is one thing in common, they take over the lawn. The better nourished the the roots, the better the grass grows.

This week at the Anchor has truly been a Grass Roots movement. We have been able to discover true life through death! On Monday I got dozens of phone calls, but 2 of those calls were asking me to 1) lead a memorial service for a 17yr old boy and the other 2) was to conduct a funeral service for a 67 yr old man. Here is where the grass roots movement really began. On Sunday, God spoke loudly to the Anchor Community Church! On Monday, I don't even remember asking anyone to help with the memorial and funeral. Then I began to hear chatter from every angle about this group doing this and this group doing another and these people fixing meals. We had a ton of volunteers here on Tuesday evening ready to serve and pray for the people of our community. Today, I find out that people are still frantic at making sure everyone is being served!

There is something far different happening in and through the Anchor Community Church. It has nothing to do with getting people to sacrificially serve or to get involved with a good cause. God is stirring and moving in the hearts and lives of people. I can only imagine what Joshua could have felt like when God spoke to him and told him to cross the Jordan, I am taking you to a place you have never been before!

Are you ready? Lets go........

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Is Tithing for Today?

Is Tithing for Today?

The answer is no--as a forced obligation. The answer is also yes--if it is a response from the heart. We are not obligated to give any amount. But, when we have the right mindset, based on the Word of God and a heart that flows with gratitude for what He has done, yes, we will want to give all that we are able to. I believe that in the debates, occurring over the centuries since the early church, and now to the classrooms in seminary, and to the message boards I pursued, money and religion have always gone together. Money and religion have always fought each other in people's pride and inclinations. Just as Jesus' anger with the money changers in the temple and Luther's outrage with the selling indulgences in the pre-Reformation period, to the TV preachers we have today saying, "if you give to me, God will give to you ten times as much," it all comes down to motivation, greed, and the idol of money. We will bow to money or we will bow to God. The question is what do you truly worship? Where is your motivation? Where is your heart?

Ps. I hope you enjoyed this series on Stewardship. My next project will be a series of video's. Stay tuned for the series title.

Love you guys,
Chuck Lewis

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Template of How the Early Church Gave

A Template of How the Early Church Gave

How did the early church give? Well, it was not just a mere ten percent, because they gave abundantly out of deep poverty (NKJV)! In fact, they may have even given more than they should have! But, they did it because of their love for Christ and knowledge of what He did for them! Their motives were astonishing to other people around them. They need to be our "norm" too. Not that we should give beyond our means, but we should give with a sense of the awe of what Christ did for us. The early church had whole-hearted surrender to Christ, which is the abandonment of our Will to His (Gal. 2:20). They gave everything. What do you give, and where does it come from?

2 Corinthians 8:1-15 - (NIV)
· ...Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy...
· ...and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity...
· ...even beyond their ability...
· ...Entirely on their own...
· ...privilege of sharing in this service to the saints...
· ...they gave themselves first to the Lord...
· ...keeping with God's Will...
· faith ...excel in this grace of giving...
· ...I am not commanding you...
· through his poverty might become rich...
· were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so...
· ...the gift is acceptable according to what one has...

A warning: beware of your motives. Do not give because you expect to get! God is not a divine bellhop, and He is not required to give you anything. Yet, He does, out of His love and grace! Some very bad teaching has been sneaking in like a snake its way in our churches and airwaves, called the "Health and Wealth" gospel. It says that if you give your money to the preacher or church, God will bless you or give you ten times more, or whatever amount they come up with. They tell you that "Jesus wants you wealthy," "Jesus wants you rich," "Jesus wants you prosperous," and "God wants you rich!" (Direct quotes from Christian Research Institute by several different preachers!)

Love you guys,
Chuck Lewis

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Learning What It Means to Give “Cheerfully.”

Learning What It Means to Give “Cheerfully.”

The mature Christian may realize his or her responsibility in stewardship and then struggle in prayer and with family about what to give. He/she will seek God’s Word for how he/she can serve Him and the church. A mature Christian should never rationalize that it is good not to follow his/her call, use his/her gifts, refrain from sharing his/her faith, or not to give. As persons saved by grace, we should be overwhelmed with gratitude for what Christ has done for us so we naturally desire to serve Him with all of our heart and means. Yes, you are not forced to do anything, because as His elect, you are saved by your faith alone in what Christ has done alone-period!

Once we form a more mature faith, and develop a strong sense of gratitude for the grace flowing in us, what should we do about our stewardship? How can we best respond with the goods given to our care? How much do we keep for ourselves, how much do we give away; how much is for us to play with, and how much goes to the work of the church? There are no concrete answers here; it is a call and a response of our heart and faith. We are given the general parameters from Scripture; it is up to us to figure out how to apply them. Yet, this is hard for most, even me, and the source for most debates. The message board debates are nothing new. This subject is now, and has been very controversial. It has been a bitter debate since the formation of the early church, perhaps because most people like to do things their own way and do not like relinquishing control, especially with their pocketbook. So, we can see all kinds of crazy teachings from every conceivable perspective. But what we do at Into Thy Word is see what God’s Word says, and go from there.

Love you guys,
Chuck Lewis

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Teething of Tithing

The Teething of Tithing

How do you feel when churches, ministries, or even missionaries seek you, asking for funds? Does it give you a toothache? Do you cringe and make the quickest possible exit, or do you see those requests as opportunities to serve? A lot of people run away from stewardship because they do not see it as God does. This is a reflection of our spiritual condition! We should never separate money and finances from our spiritual life. Yet, so many Christians do, seeking to be cheerful with what they can keep, not with how they can be used. Have you ever thought that the way we give is a prime picture of what is in our hearts and our level of commitment to our Lord? And, when we refuse to give or are very stingy, we are missing key opportunities to serve and be used of God?

If we really want to be mature and growing Christians, we must take the Bible seriously! That means discovering God's character, holiness, fear, and awe, and learning how we can grow further in the depths of the faith. Then, perhaps in realizing what Christ did for us, we can start to take to heart the seriousness of being a wise steward. Stewardship is an act of worship and gratitude by the Believer, in response to His grace. In so doing, we acknowledge God's power and authority over our lives. Then, we respond to others around us with these godly precepts.

Love you guys,
Chuck Lewis

The Teething of Tithing

The Teething of Tithing

How do you feel when churches, ministries, or even missionaries seek you, asking for funds? Does it give you a toothache? Do you cringe and make the quickest possible exit, or do you see those requests as opportunities to serve? A lot of people run away from stewardship because they do not see it as God does. This is a reflection of our spiritual condition! We should never separate money and finances from our spiritual life. Yet, so many Christians do, seeking to be cheerful with what they can keep, not with how they can be used. Have you ever thought that the way we give is a prime picture of what is in our hearts and our level of commitment to our Lord? And, when we refuse to give or are very stingy, we are missing key opportunities to serve and be used of God?

If we really want to be mature and growing Christians, we must take the Bible seriously! That means discovering God's character, holiness, fear, and awe, and learning how we can grow further in the depths of the faith. Then, perhaps in realizing what Christ did for us, we can start to take to heart the seriousness of being a wise steward. Stewardship is an act of worship and gratitude by the Believer, in response to His grace. In so doing, we acknowledge God's power and authority over our lives. Then, we respond to others around us with these godly precepts.

Love you guys,
Chuck Lewis

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What is a Tithe?

What is a Tithe?

The term tithe that is found in Scripture (maser / asar, in the Hebrew and dekate / dekavth, in theGreek), translates into the tenth;thus, the notion that one should give ten percent of one's monies to the church comes from the meaning of these words. The Scriptures tell us that God does not want us to do whatever we want or what seems fit. Obviously,that was not working then, just as it does not work today. So, He laid out principles for the running of the new country Israel that would provide care for the priests and those in charge. We,of course, do not live in a theocracy today, unless you live in Iran. The tithe may have been for a different purpose in the Old Testament than for the church today, but we do get key principles from these passages that translate into how best to provide for the church today, and how we can exercise good Biblical stewardship.

Here are some key verses for your consideration:
Leviticus 27:30; 27:31-32; Numbers18: 21-26; Deuteronomy 12:6-17; 14:23-28; 26:12

Love you guys,
Chuck Lewis

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What is ours is not really ours to begin with?

What is ours is not really ours to begin with?

Stewardship means we must take care of His world carefully, honestly, diligently, and faithfully in the character as revealed in His Word. It means remembering that God gives us everything, including Himself. So, how do we manage all of this with Biblical precepts and principles? One good way to view stewardship is to see what He gives us as a loan. We are to manage it with the attitude of giving back to God, of honoring Him, just like the Parable of the Talents teaches (Matthew 25:14-30)!

One of the key principles I want to get across to you is the difference in what we have, and what God has. We basically have nothing; we own nothing, we earn nothing, we gain nothing. God is the true owner of all things; He is the One who owns it all. Consider this. When you die, will there be a trailer with all of your stuff following you to the pearly gates? The answer is, no! After all, your eternal reward is far, vastly superior to what you have here. Even if you were Bill Gates, with billions of dollars, and were able to take it all with you, once you got to Heaven, you would not want to even look at it, much less keep it. As it would just be like rotting stinky junk! Would you rather pick a nonworking rusted car from a junkyard, or have a brand new luxury car? What God has for you is far better than what you would want to take! All you would end up bringing is trash (Deuteronomy 8:18; Psalm 24:1; Haggai 2:8; 1 Corinthians 6:16-20)!

Love you guys,
Chuck Lewis

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Suggestions to better enable our financial giving

Suggestions to better enable our financial giving

View your promise to give to God that which is referred to as your tithe, like an income tax. Although it is not mandatory, it is a reflection of your character and response to His grace. As the government so nicely swipes away your hard-earned money from the top of your paycheck, consider joyfully setting also the top 10% of your net, or better yet, the gross income, for the Lord’s service-- before the bills, expenses, and entertainment. Do not include the tithe in your budget. Make your budget on the net assets you have after the tithe and taxes. Then, you will have a more realistic budget and keep yourself from getting into debt. That way, it is done and out of the way. Then, carefully decide to whom it should go. The primary responsibility is first to your local church, and second to ministries that are doing the Lord’s work. Remember, the people who set aside the first fruits of their resources to God are dedicating themselves to God, and not themselves to themselves.

· Stewardship means not making yourself the king when there is only one King. It is not to lift us up, but to lift up the Cross. It is to think soberly of who we are in Christ.

· Stewardship is recognizing our gifts and abilities as well as opportunities, then exercising the responsibility of their care. It is also cooperation with other stewards, to work as a team.

· Stewardship is recognizing the amazing wonder and power of grace that we did not deserve.

This will also allow you to give more easily and continually. We will look more at this in the following studies.

Study Hebrews 6:10; 13:16

Love you guys,
Chuck Lewis

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What does stewardship mean to you?

What does stewardship mean to you?

There are two words that send the average congregation and common churchgoer into fear and panic,from the leadership and pastorate, that fears to offend or drive people away, to the church member who may be too far stretched in time and giving, and cannot give anymore, to the person who does not want to be convicted, lest he be forced to reach for the sacred will of his wallet or the exercise of His call. Yet, these two words are simple, and needed, because the church and the body of Christ could not function without them being proclaimed and exercised: These simple words are Stewardship and Evangelism.

But, these words of Stewardship, sometimes referred to as tithing or Evangelism, and sometimes said of discipleship, do not need to be scary. Stewardship can be an act of love, and even fun! It can be a response to His love, which will give us much, much greater comfort than any plans or ideas on our part. Perhaps Christians want to give,but they do not know how. Maybe they just need to be told that all we have is not really ours to begin with. We are just temporary stewards of His treasures, time and talents. With such a view, we may see a pleasure in giving, and see the benefits as they help build the body of Christ.

Love you guys,
Chuck Lewis

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Is Stewardship Important?

Is Stewardship Important?
In the last two studies, we looked at what God calls us to concerning Stewardship. We learned that everything belongs to Him, and that we are the caretakers of His property. As Christians who take the Bible seriously, we also need to take to heart the seriousness of being a wise steward. Stewardship is an act of worship and gratitude by the Believer, in response to His grace. In so doing, we acknowledge God's power and authority over our lives. This leads us to realization of and response to His love, by caring about what He brings into our lives. This includes everything--our relationships, spiritual gifts, time, material goods, our monies, and even our very being. This act of stewardship is in response to the marvelous gift of His amazing, wondrous Grace given to us. We begin by being thankful, and our thankfulness leads to the care of everything in our lives. Thus, our gratitude for what we have leads us to faithfully take care of the business of life. Gratitude is also worship, and our response to God for first loving us.

Love you guys,
Chuck Lewis

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Looking to God and not to Self

Message from your Pastor,

Looking to God and not to Self The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.

(Psalm 24:1)

The word, stewardship, simply means to manage someone else's property. For the Christian, as Scripture proclaims everything belongs to God, we manage the property of our Lord. Since everything belongs to Christ, we need to have the attitude and view that our things are His things, our stuff is His stuff, that all we could have now, all we have lost, all we will have, is His, including our very bodies and spiritual gifts. We are mere lessees of the property, money, relationships, talents, time, and even our lives. That means all that we are and all that we have are not really ours to begin with. They belong to God. So, the duty of the Christian is to learn how to become responsible stewards of our Lord's resources entrusted into our care. It means to manage everything to the best of our abilities for His glory
(1 Cor. 4:2).

Love you guys,

Chuck Lewis

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Are you giving what's right, or what's left?

Hello Anchor Family,

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Between family vacations and late summer nights, we sometimes forget to give back to the one who created it ALL. As you all know we are in week four of our summer series Servolution. The main factor in serving, is giving. Not only giving your time but, giving financially as well.

I have one question for you, Are you giving what's right, or what's left? God is concerned with what is in our hearts, and a good heart has responsible character assigned to it. That is what being a good steward means. This is shown to us by our role in taking care of creation, the testimony of the Law, and the Psalms, to name a few. Stewardship, in Hebrew, means "house law and rule." It means that the person who is hired is to manage the affairs for the owner. This means that the property, resources, money, and previsions are under the steward's control and responsibility. They belong to God, and are entrusted into our hands.

Is God concerned with what is in your heart? Yes, He is, and being a good steward will show that you have a good heart! As good stewards, we cannot be wasteful. Being a bad steward was under penalty of death in Biblical times. Fortunately, we are under grace, and Christ's atonement covers us from God's wrath when we mess up, but that does not mean we are to be careless. We are not to go around thinking all we need to do is think we are good, just as we cannot think we are good at our job or school, and be late all of the time, or slack off. We have to think carefully about the most prudent way to allocate and manage the gifts and resources He puts in our care! This is in response to what He has given to us--abundant grace and love, and His mercy and care. We must understand that being bad at stewardship is wasting what God has given, and even wastes our lives, and opportunities.

- Stewardship is not worrying, but rather, trusting in Christ.

- Stewardship means knowing that God is concerned with us personally--what we go through, deal with, and how we manage what He entrusts to us.

- Stewardship is focusing on God and not on the material things in and of themselves. We are always to view the material world with the perspective of being God's caretaker of it, not of its lust or greed.

Love you guys,
Chuck Lewis

Give On-Line Today

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fulfilling the Dream!

Yesterday was an amazing day for me! Emma, my 9yr old daughter, was sick and I kept her home from school. So, she hung out with me all day. It started off with an 8am breakfast meeting and then off to local missions work. She and I went to Skyland Mobile Home Park to meet up with Ron Waits, our Local Missions Pastor. It was here that I really witnessed the vision of the Anchor Community Church coming together. Ron sat down with people as they came in, looked them in their eyes, placed his hands on their hands or shoulder and asked "How can we help meet your needs?" Every week various people of this community within our larger community of Locust Grove come their community center, Ron and his team pull out their laptops and ipad and begin helping them fill out on-line job resumes, search for jobs, discover needs they may have around their homes, or food needs, they also connect them with "Connecting Henry", a local agency. But this is only the beginning. We are not there just to meet their physical needs. We are there to help them discover God's plan for their life. We are their to help them embark on a spiritual and physical journey.

Then, Emma and I left Skyland and headed off to Locust Grove City Hall Pavilion where The Anchor Community Church, lead by Jennifer Carlile, hosted our monthly HERO luncheon. We walked into a sea of Anchor T-shirts filled by people serving the ones who serve us. This group of Anchor volunteers spent countless hours in food preparation as well as promotional time getting the word out to the HEROs. To see the Anchor family walking around, shaking the hand of an officer or firefighter and telling them thank you for allowing us to serve you...that is fulfilling the Dream of the Anchor!

For all of those of you who served yesterday...THANK YOU!
For all of those of you who were not able to be there, but helped in some way to make that happen...THANK YOU!

There are tons of way to get plugged in and serve the people of Locust Grove!

I Love you guys.....thanks,

Monday, May 10, 2010

Start your engines....

When I was a teenager I began watching NASCAR racing. (however, I am not the die hard fan that wears all the clothing and hats) Several years ago I was able to go to my first live NASCAR race at Daytona. I can still remember the words that everyone anticipates at a race. "Gentleman, start your engines!" You could hear the rumble of the cars and even feel the anticipation in the air! I couldn't wait until they got to the start/finish line that first time and see and feel and hear what was about to happen.

Now, I get to feel that feeling every day! No...I have not taken a position with a NASCAR team. What I am talking about is the feeling that we are experiencing at the Anchor Community Church. Everyday I get to work with the best of the best volunteers that could be assembled. Everyday I get to hear stories about God moving in peoples lives. Everyday I feel like I am standing at the start/finish line anticipating something BIG is about to happen.

Get ready Anchor Church....we are going for the ride of our lives!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The PARTY has began...

This past Sunday, we had CHURCH at the Anchor. The music was awesome, I felt like the message was good. I am loving the book of Acts!

Have you noticed that we sort of stay on the move? We are constantly tweaking things, changing things, starting new things and putting to rest things that are dead! Here is what I mean by that: For ever, it seems like, we have tried to get people from the worship experience into small groups and serving. For many people that has worked. Unfortunately, for many this plan has been very ineffective. So, in typical Anchor fashion we took that plan, re-tooled the plan and have now designed a Master Plan for our church. (which is people...not buildings and places we go)
Starting this week we are kicking off step one of the Master Plan in a "pilot" project called "Starting Point". This is for anyone in the church that has not been through Acclimate class or has been through it, but still have not found the right tools to grow daily in their walk with Christ.
We are also changing the time when I taught the children's leaders at 10 am to 9:30 and that is now becoming our Pep Rally for all volunteers! (Trust me, if you are volunteering you will totally miss out if you miss this!)

The party has started! I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Love ya,

Monday, February 15, 2010

Where in the World is Chuck? Part 7


As I write this blog I have been out of the office for two weeks and have not taught at the Anchor for two Sundays. Where I love the Anchor and love teaching, it has been very refreshing to get away for bit. The first week was spent completing some needed tasks before leaving, hanging with family and packing my bags for Puerto Rico. The end of the 1st week and most of the 2nd week was in Puerto Rico. There I spent much of my time with Pastors and missionaries. The other part of my time there was just relaxing, spending time with Jesus and beginning a much needed renewal process. I returned on Wednesday on a flight that only God could orchestrate. The end of the week My family and I spent time with my parents and some new friends in central Georgia.

Spending time with various missionaries, Pastors and Jesus and His Word I have learned some very profound things. Namely, I have learned that ministry is exhausting. I know, when we do it all in the name of Jesus with right hearts and attitudes He will renew us and we can continue. Here is the other thing I have learned... We never stay spiritually perfect. We do things out of wrong motives and wrong passion. We are doing the right things, but a bit misguided.

There must be times when we get away with God and let me speak right to our hearts. And that is what I am doing. I will not be blogging every day, or on Facebook or twitter every day. I will be with my Father everyday!

Stay on the look out for new blogs!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Where in the World is Chuck? Part 6


Do you remember a few days ago I blogged about God giving me a passion, but then we did not see that for a while?

Here is the scary reason as to why...I was praying, I was doing all the things a Pastor should. Naturally I could have done better and could still do better today. But I was doing THINGS right. My passion had become my driving force. Not God! I was going through the motions everyday, giving God His pleasantries. However, my relationship with Him was falling apart.

Hey...stop right there. Do not judge me. If I guess right your thought was, "This is my Pastor...How can this be?" This can be...because I am a human just like everyone else.

My wife and I began to argue. Something that we have never done. I was short and impatient with my kids. Everyone...I mean everyone got on my last nerve!

I know, I am confessing way too much here. But you need to know that my passion to see people come to know Christ was overran by my own passion! I see this happen to people in our church and in my life on a regular basis. They think, as do I at times, that if I have a passion then I should pursue that with everything. AND, If I can add God to that it will be all the better! But here is where HOPE comes in. God does want me, He does want my passion but He wants me to want HIM! No matter how bad I fail at that, even it is the wrong reason, He is still here to catch me, love me and send me back to the battle field!

I have been hearing from God. I am not praying that I need to hear Him. I am praying that I will LISTEN to Him!
What is He saying...Let's talk about that tomorrow!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Where in the World is Chuck? Part 5

God....where are you?

During the first year of our little church plant we witnessed an amazing amount of people confess Jesus as their Savior, their Lord. In the second year of our church we witnessed an amazing amount of people drop away from their journey with Christ at an amazing rate!

There were many days that I would cry out to God. (I guess saying the words "cry out" make me sound like David) I yelled at God and asked "God, where in the heck are you in all of this?" How in the world would God let so many people come to know Him, yet let them fall away?

I felt like my fellow church planting "Friends" (and I use that term very loosely) were looking at me like I am some failure because I am not lying about my church doing as well as theirs. But, in all seriousness, I really did feel like a failure...not to those guys, but to God. He has entrusted me with so much and let Him down. Week after week I would see young Christian families fall from our church. Week after week I would walk away feeling like such a failure.

My dad always raised me to be tough, fight it out, stick in their till the end. So, every week I would dig deeper and fight harder. Only to figure out that the volunteers, the servants of our church I was pushing away because I was fighting so hard. (to those of you this has happened to...I really do love you and I really do apologize!)

Every week, Every week I would yell at God...What are you doing, where are you, why is this happening?

Check in with me tomorrow and I'll give you some of those answers!

Friday, February 5, 2010

where in the World is Chuck? part 4


We all know that everyone runs in a few circles of friends and acquaintances. One of the circles that I run (ran) in was church planting Pastors. The other circle I ran in was the people in my church. The church planter guys were mostly all liers and my church family was mostly all authentic.

The church planters guys would gloat about how great their church was. About how fast their church was growing. About how God was sending the right people at the right time

My church family...they were all struggling with something. Their struggles were porn addictions, alcohol, drugs, alternative lifestyles, massive debt, raising children....and the list goes on!

When I would try and match those two groups up the only logical answer I could find was failure. Then, I realized something. Actually, I realized a lot! One of the things that I realized was that the people in my church was just like the people in the other churches. I realized once again in my journey that people are people and they will always act like people because, you guessed it...they are people.

Hey Anchor peeps...If you are reading this it probably means that you are not one of the people I mentioned...yes, you are the perfect one!

Oh yes....Has any noticed that it all started with burden from God and a passion for Him. And that I have not mentioned that lately.

We will talk more about that in upcoming blogs!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Where in the World is Chuck? part 3

Why would anyone beg God to release them from their ministry?

Any church planter, or pastor, would love to have been a part of our 1st year. It was truly a honeymoon...a match made in Heaven. I was allowed to really express my creative side! Things were wild! Things were wild and I loved it! I said so many times "I never knew ministry could be so fun!"
Remember, I grew up in the typical old boring church where everything had to fit neatly and everyone had the look of perfection. We had shattered all of that! We were reaching people that would never come to church. Even more, a lot of these people would never be allowed in most churches.
Our auditorium was full every week of brand new Christians. Our parking lot was full of cars with bumper stickers that made even me blush. Yes, we had outgrown everything in the first year. WOW...everything was exciting. Even the challenges of growth was exciting. I mean, if your gonna have problems...and you will, you might as well have growth problems! Right?

So, to over come the growth issues we began to look for a new space!

But there was massive problems.
1. We were broke! That's right, we were just barley keeping the lights on. Salaries became a thing of hope...not assurance! There was not enough funds coming in to build or buy land or both. If we did not move it was going to hurt our growth. We couldn't move because we did not have enough money.

2. Spiritual War! What? Yes, spiritual warfare was far greater than anything I could have ever anticipated. I know that Satan has a job description, and that job description is to kill and destroy. But for some reason I just thought that Jesus would shelter us from all of that.

3. Failure! I know, tons of people coming to church, tons of people giving their life to Christ and tons of people baptized...How can you even use the word failure?

Catch up with me tomorrow and I'll explain failure!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Where in the World is Chuck?

The Journey....
The journey actually began long ago. Not to bore you with all those details, so here is a little recap.
I have been in church for as long as I can remember. To be honest, I don't think I was ever in a church that really got it right until we found this small church over in Rincon, GA. "Grace Community Church" The people were authentic, the music was great and the preaching was right to the heart of life.
It was there that I accepted a call to ministry...then I went to cemetery...I mean seminary. During that time I worked with a few churches that were full of great people. But the truth of the matter was...the churches sucked!

So out of that...God called my family and I to something. But what? God called me to be a missionary to Locust Grove, Ga and surrounding area of South Atlanta. Out of this calling I really felt like God was calling us to start a church...with not people, with no money, with no resources and no location to start in!

Once I knew the direction God was calling us I hit the ground running. And I hit it hard. Within a year we had started meeting in a small group atmosphere, then to worship. Then, we did it...we had our 1st service trying to build a larger launch team. Shortly after that we found a building, renovated it and kicked off our 1st REAL church service and the church was launched.

I remember Leigh and I laughing and crying and full of excitement every SUnday. New people would come while others that were visiting became regulars. In that 1st year we saw a ton of people came to know Christ and baptized a majority of them. We were doing it....we were actually fulfilling the vision that God had given us!

So....why is it that I found myself with my face in the floor begging God to release me from this, all of this?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Where in the World is Chuck?

Do you remember several years ago when Matt Lauer, host of the Today Show, would set off to travel all over the world? There was no telling where he was going to wind up next, what city or country or iconic place. What a life that would be!
Well, my adventures over the next days, or weeks will not be as travel extensive interesting but I do hope these days will be life changing! I want to invite you on a journey with me. Journey with me as I seek God's heart for our church and for my own personal life. The life of leading a church plant can be tiring, exhausting even! I have finally reached that place in my life where I must get back to the center, back to the well spring of life and get a fresh Word for Daddy Jesus.

I am so thankful that I have a church that loves me so dearly and supports me so lovingly. Ill be seeing you guys!

(Be sure to follow me here on the BLOG, twitter and facebook.)